ruby-admin August 30, 2023 No Comments

Why every diabetic must own a Glucometer ?

Why Every Diabetic Must Own A Glucometer?

Checking the level of blood sugar is one of the most significant steps in managing diabetes. There are various methods of monitoring blood sugar. However, with a glucometer, you can do it in the comfort of your home, with a little prick on the skin. Perhaps this is one reason why many diabetics are choosing it over the conventional methods.

Do All Diabetics Need It?

Not really. However, you might want to keep it, especially when you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes. That is to say, it is mostly recommended for those who take insulin regularly. It might not be necessary for those having:

  • LADA or Latent autoimmune variety in adults (this is a type 1 diabetes that often develops during adulthood.
  • Gestational diabetes (this is akin to type 2 diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy only).

The Health Perks

Irrespective of the type of Diabetes they are suffering from, diabetics choose glucometer over the other options because:

  • It helps monitor the blood sugar Level. With regular tracking, it becomes more convenient to understand your unique pattern. This helps you make the needed adjustments to your medication, diet and even exercise plan. So, you get the help that you need to keep the level of blood sugar within the targeted range.
  • Preventing hyperglycaemia or sudden spikes in blood sugar can often lead to serious situations. So it always helps if you can detect it coming. This helps you to take corrective actions and take it down.
  • On the other hand, prevention of hypoglycaemia, or low blood sugar level, is equally significant for diabetes management. Here also, testing through a glucometer helps in identifying your condition before it turns serious.
  • It helps you make better decisions about treatment. The retrieved information after regular tests can help your doctor decide on the best plan of treatment for you.
  • Also, by identifying your pattern of diabetes, you get some help to reduce the risk factors, thereby improving your quality of life as a whole.

What regular use of a glucometer can assist you with?

Some obvious perks of using a glucometer include the following:

  • Understanding how your level of blood sugar responds to stress or exercise.
  • Monitor whether you can actually keep a check on your diabetes.
  • Identify the factors that might lead to a crash or spike in your blood sugar level.
  • Check whether you are meeting your goals of treatment.
  • Double-check whether different therapies and medications are actually working for you.

Getting Extra Tips 

Now, get some extra tips for using a glucometer:

  • Use a fresh lancet every time you test the blood sugar level.
  • Read the instructions that your box of glucometer comes with.
  • Thoroughly wash your hands before you test.
  • It is important to test the level of your blood sugar at one particular time every day.
  • Record the readings for effortless tracking of progress.

Which Brand to Use?

Your doctor could be the best person to recommend a glucometer for your use. Also, he can instruct you about how frequently you need to test and what should be your targeted range.