Privacy Policy


Our privacy policy shows how [] we use as well as protect any piece of information that our patrons give while using the website.

We at Ruby Biotech are committed to making sure that our patrons’ privacy stays shielded. So when we request to furnish certain pieces of information, then we only utilize the data to identify you while using the website further. So while giving answers, you can stay well assured the information that you deliver will go with the norms of privacy statements.

However, Ruby Biotech is likely to change this policy from one time to the other. We can do this by using this page. It is. Therefore, you must check this page occasionally. This would ensure that you stay comfortable with just about any changes made. This current policy starts from [Date of Privacy Policy].

What we collect

To protect the privacy of our clients, we are likely to collect the following pieces of information:

  • Your name and vocation.
  • Contact information, such as telephone number and email id.
  • Your location, including postcode.
  • Your preferences, interests, and hobbies.

How We Utilize the Gathered Information

We need to get some information from our patrons so that our team can comprehend their unique needs, as well as cater to their needs better. Also, we have some other particular reasons to make it. For example, it is essential for:

  • Keeping internal records. This helps to use the information to take our services and products to the next level.
  • Sending periodically emotional emails about our new launches, special deals, and other important information that our clients might like.
  • Occasionally, contact for market research. We can get in touch via mail, fax, or phone.

Using these pieces of information, our team can customize the sites as per the common interests of our clients.

The Security Question

Our team remains always committed to keeping your information safe. If you wish to avoid any unauthorized disclosure or break-ins, we utilize fitting electronic, physical, and managerial technologies. Together, they work to secure and safeguard the data that we take online.

Our ways of using Cookies

A cookie is a small file that will make its space on the hard drive of your system once it has the permission of the user. Once you allow cookies to be in, this tiny file works to analyse web traffic. Also, it helps you know about the security and related issues while visiting any particular site. Cookies also aid you with various web apps to respond to you as a user. This web app can customize its activities as per your likes, dislikes, and needs. This is possible by remembering and gathering information about your individual preferences.

By and large, the tiny cookies work to help you experience a website in a better way. It helps us to keep an eye on the pages that you might find helpful, as well as check the ones that might not be productive for you. And in no way a cookie gives us any access to your computer. So there is no way for us to retrieve more data about you apart from the ones that you prefer sharing with us.

There is no obligation to accept cookies, as well. However, there are web browsers that accept cookies automatically. However, there is also an option to change the setting of the browsers should you decide to decline the cookies. This helps you to get full advantage of websites.

Getting Linked to Other Sites

Our company website is likely to have links to sites of similar interest. Nevertheless, in case you have clicked on these links and left our website, then you will be doing it at your own risk. We do not have control over any of such sites. So we do not have any responsibility for any type of privacy breach that might occur after visiting such sites. Also, their privacy settings and policies can be quite different from others. So this is something that we request our clients to take care of.

How We Control the Personal Information

 As a visitor or a patron, you can opt for restricting the use or collection of the information that we have collected from you. It is possible in different ways, for example:

  • When asked to fill in an online form on our website, you can search for a box, which you can click to indicate that you do not allow the utilization of your information for direct marketing or any other purpose.
  • You can choose to unsubscribe to our services simply by sending an email.
  • Without your permission, we would not lease, distribute or sell to any 3rd parties. 

However, we can make it if the law requires us to do it.

If you find any of the information incomplete or incorrect, then do let us know without much ado. We will make the rectifications as early as possible.

Getting Linked to 3rd Party Sites

You can access other links available on our website (Linked Sites). However, we do not have any control over such linked sites. Thus, we are not responsible for the contents and security issues of such sites. Moreover, at Ruby Biotech, we do not take any responsibility for any transaction you might have had on 3rd party linked sites. We provide these links only as a part of